How syntropy works 


Syntropy helps businesses realize their capacity to be a cauldron of growth and evolution internally, and be a global force for good in the world.

We offer coaching, consulting, and capacity-building products and services centered around our four pillars of conscious or “syntropic”1 business.

Align with a DEEPER Purpose

Everyone is working according to some purpose, but usually this is a default purpose inherited from family, friends, teachers, religious background, and society at large. However, whether you realize it or not, you have a deeper purpose that goes beyond this. One could say it was stamped on your soul at birth, and is now embedded deep within the fibers of your being.

This deeper purpose is always trying to call you forth into the truest and most authentic path for you. To live a fulfilling life and lead a thriving organization, it’s essential to heed this call.

The same applies for your business. It too has a deeper purpose, a reason for being, that includes but also goes beyond the necessary act of making money.

When you dare to discover this purpose, align yourself and your people with it, and allow it to inform everything your organization does, extraordinary things start to happen. You unleash a wellspring of passion, engagement, productivity, fulfillment, and contribution. By going deep into purpose, you ultimately go wide – wide enough to create a truly world-changing impact.


Evolve Your Authentic Leadership Capacity

In order to skillfully lead your organization from its deeper purpose to the biggest impact it’s here to make – both internally and in the larger world – cultivating a new capacity of leadership is called forth. Why? Because a reorientation of this significance only happens when it’s guided by leadership that’s both deeply committed and extraordinarily skillful.

Yet many business leaders' old ways of thinking and leading tend to be unconsciously reactive and are not up to the task of making wise decisions in this new territory. This move to increased responsiveness starts with the courage to be vulnerable and authentic.

What’s needed instead is to to cultivate a creatively responsive leadership that’s courageous, compassionate, competent, and collective. This includes developing a deeper capacity and evolving the underlying beliefs, assumptions, and state of mind that inform actions.

Making the leap to this kind of leadership – both individually and collectively – becomes even more essential as the world of business becomes increasingly interdependent, complex, and uncertain. Such leadership can successfully reorient around its deeper purpose, develop high-performing teams, grow a thriving organizational culture, and help create true flourishing for all – while artfully navigating constant change.


Create a Thriving Organizational Culture

It takes more than a few good leaders to imagine and sustain the kind of impact your company can truly make. It requires your entire organization working together synergistically, with everyone passionately engaged and contributing the fullness of their talents and expertise.

Unfortunately, survey after survey shows as many as 87% of employees worldwide (Gallup, 2013)2 feel disengaged at work and those numbers have remained flat since 2000. Hopefully your company is one of the few exceptions to this dismal picture.

But even if it is, you may still wrestle with teams not performing at their best, employees avoiding or getting mired in unproductive conflict, and precious energy being wasted on layers of management. Perhaps you’ve tried to motivate your people by throwing more materially cool perks at them, only to discover the short-lived effects and diminishing returns of that approach. 

What’s needed instead is to create an organizational culture where talented people thrive at work and are liberated to contribute from their genius. This means fostering healthy teams where high levels of trust and vulnerability are stable foundations for driving learning and more effective results. It means learning how to engage in difficult and uncomfortable conversations with respect, honesty, and compassion, while honoring the generative value of such healthy forms of conflict.

It may mean creating a platform for flatter hierarchies and greater self-management, which reduces bottlenecks and burnout, empowers individuals and teams, promotes deeper accountability, and leverages previously untapped opportunities.

Ultimately, it can mean transforming your company into not just a great place to work, but also a great place to grow as adults, and in the process creating a flourishing organization where work is synonymous with high levels of engagement and fulfillment.


Unfold Your World-Changing Impact

If purpose is the interior intention or aspiration for your organization, its external realization is in the impact you make. What that looks like for your business is wide open with possibility and you get to decide, based on how big a game you want to play.

Current thinking on what constitutes impact is evolving beyond its earlier outward-facing expressions of ‘do no harm’ and ‘give back’ and into ‘be a force for positive change’. It’s also shifting from being ‘bolted on’ as something your company does on the side, to something that’s ‘baked in’, meaning it becomes an integral part of how you do business, both internally and externally.

With this shift, a growing number of companies are redesigning their business models to create real change on significant social and ecological problems – whether at the community level, on a global scale and anywhere in between.

Organizations are also realizing the degree to which people are losing trust in the mainstream institution of business. Transforming your company into a truly great place to work, grow, and contribute is a profound shift in restoring this lost trust and supporting the well-being of all.

Whether the focus of your impact is internal, external, or both, choosing to make the kind of impact that leads to greater flourishing for all has the remarkable benefit of enhancing your competitive advantage, increasing your profitability, accelerating your success, and leaving a legacy of which you can be deeply proud.

These Four Pillars of Syntropy are a parallel expression of the four principles put forth by the growing conscious business movement. Syntropy takes this movement to the next natural step by putting it all into action, so you get real-world results that lift your business to a new level of purposeful and profitable thriving.

1-We use the term “syntropy” to refer to the move toward synthesis, growth and wholeness.
